The Universe Has Your Back is a comforting read for anyone looking to understand more about the Universe and manifestation. This easy-to-read book is filled with meditations and uplifting Universal Lessons. The advice and practices provided help guide the reader to live out their life through love instead of fear.
Pairs With: Lunar pies and standing in Superman pose
Bernstein provides many Universal Lessons throughout the book. Below are just a few…
Universal Lessons
- To be free we must acknowledge our resistance.
- Our happiness, success and safety can be measured by our genuine capacity to tune into the Universe.
- When we surrender our will to the power of the Universe, we receive miracles.
- Your pretense is your power.
- The Universe will always conspire to lead you towards solutions of the highest good when you open up to receive them.
- Create visions of the world you want to see.
- Your intentions create your reality.
- The Universe will do for you, what you cannot do for yourself.
With each Universal Lesson, Bernstein provides context and examples to help the reader better understand each one.
Some additional points I found interesting were her advice on goals and “should” statements. Bernstein explained that goals overshadow guidance and that over-planning blocks the natural order of things. In other words, goals and planning put a limit on what would have otherwise been limitless with possibilities. Thinking of goals and planning actually as a limitation allows one to let go and surrender to the flow of life.
As for “should” statements, Bernstein describes that the energy behind all of these statements are controlling and manipulative. Since the Universe does not align with that energy, we block our flow and disconnect ourselves from the universal guidance. To help get yourself back into the flow, Bernstein recommends journaling out all of the “shoulds” in your life and saying the prayer, “Thank you, Universe, for helping me see this obstacle as an opportunity. I will step back and let you lead the way.”

However, my absolute favorite part of this book was learning about the Maharishi Effect. The findings of this study really hit home with how powerful our thoughts are and how important the energy we put out there is. If you aren’t familiar with the Maharishi Effect give it a Google and prepare to be mind-blown.
This book is a relaxing read that helps you get back in touch with a softer gentler way of living and viewing the world. Some of the concepts may sound like ‘a bunch of hocus pocus’ but if it helps you feel more at peace, realize there’s no harm in thinking or viewing this world this way. Truly believing the Universe Has Your Back and acting in alignment with it, will improve your energy and in return help better the world.
Let us know! Have you read this one or something similar? What did you think??