
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv. Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is a great read for anyone interested in learning about how rich people think vs. how poor people think. The goal of this book is to have you thinking like the rich, acting like the rich and becoming rich!

Pairs With: Chocolate that is one step fancier than you’d usually go with. For me, that’s Fran’s Assorted Truffles ♥️


The book starts off a little rough. At first, it seems like a giant sales pitch for his seminars, is a little sexist and he mentions Trump as a shining example far too many times for this liberal hippie. BUT I cut this book some slack and kept reading because, to be fair, it was written pre-president Trump. 

Looking past the praise for Trump and the countless mentions of his seminars, Eker provides 17 “Wealth Files” where he compares how a rich person thinks vs. how a poor person thinks. After each Wealth File section, he leaves you with “Millionaire Mind” actions to help you work on approaching things from a rich person’s perspective. 

These Wealth Files and Millionaire Mind actions help solidify his point and leave you with concrete actions you can take to help change your thought process so you’re more in line with a Rich person’s thinking. 

Wealth Files

Below are all 17 Wealth Files listed out. I still recommend you read or listen to the book. Changing your thought pattern doesn’t happen just by reading through this list once. 

  • Wealth File #1: Rich people believe “I create my own life” vs. Poor people believe “Life happens to me” 
    • Poor people have a victim mindset and will blame, justify and complain. 
  • Wealth File #2: Rich people play the money game to win (offense) vs. Poor people play the money game not to lose (defense). 
    • Eker clarifies that any sports team could not win a game if they only played defense.
  • Wealth File #3: Rich people are committed to being rich vs. Poor people want to be rich.
    • Poor people will take $ if it comes to them vs. Rich people will hold nothing back to become rich.
  • Wealth File #4: Rich people think BIG vs. Poor people think small
  • Wealth File #5: Rich people focus on opportunities vs. Poor people focus on obstacles
    • Rich people expect to succeed and focus on the reward. Poor people expect to fail and focus on the risk.
Wealth File #6: Rich people admire other rich and successful people vs. Poor people resent rich and successful people

Negative energy towards rich people doesn’t make them any less rich. Instead, Eker advises to “bless that what you want,” both the owners of the thing and the objects. 

  • Wealth File #7: Rich people associate with positive successful people vs. Poor people associate with negative unsuccessful people
  • Wealth File #8: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value vs. Poor people think negatively about selling
  • Wealth File #9: Rich people are bigger than their problems vs. Poor people are smaller than their problems
    • “The size of the problem is never the issue – what matters is the size of you… If you have a BIG problem in your life all that means is that you are being a small person.” Instead, tell yourself “I can handle this. I am BIGGER than any problem.”
  • Wealth File #10: Rich people are great receivers vs. Poor people are poor receivers
    • Eker gives the analogy that squirrels do not stop stocking nuts for the winter because they do not believe they are worthy – poor receivers feel they are unworthy or not good enough. 
  • Wealth File #11: Rich people chose to get paid based on results vs. Poor people get paid on time 
  • Wealth File #12: Rich people think BOTH (abundance) vs. Poor people think EITHER (scarcity/limitations)
  • Wealth File #13: Rich people focus on net worth vs. Poor people focus on what you make
Wealth File #14: Rich people manage $ well vs. Poor people mismanage their $ well

Rich people aren’t any smarter than poor, they’re just better at managing their money.

  • Wealth File #15: Rich people have their $ work for them vs. Poor people work hard for their $
  • Wealth File #16: Rich people act in spite of fear vs. Poor people let fear stop them
    • Wealth Zone = Comfort Zone. “If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” 
  • Wealth File #17: Rich people constantly learn & grow vs. Poor people think they already know


This is a great book to pick up if you are interested in changing your thoughts and feelings around money. Throughout the book Eker reminds his readers that thoughts become feelings, feelings become actions and actions become results. If you’re interested in changing the results you’ve had with money, this is a great uplifting resource to start with.  

Which Wealth File resonated the most with you? Have you read this book or something similar? Let us know in the comments! 

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