How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question by Michael Schur is a great audiobook if you’re interested in dipping your toes into philosophy or if you enjoyed watching The Good Place on Netflix!
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How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question audiobook is read by the author Michael Schur and his delivery is spot on. You’re hearing the message exactly how Schur intended it. Not only is the audiobook conversational and hilarious but it includes passages read by the actors that star in The Good Place. You will hear Chidi, Eleanor, Tahani, Jason, Michael, Janet, and Shawn throughout the book. It was fun listening for which character was reading to you. Once you heard who it was, you could picture them saying it.
A Few of the Philosophy Theories Discussed
Schur addresses Aristotelian Virtue Ethics (created by Aristotle) which describes that in order to be a good virtuous person the four virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance must be in balance. Aristotle believed a person would be happy and flourish if they had balance in all four areas.
Next, Schur dives into Utilitarian Philosophy which was founded by an interesting guy named Jeremy Bentham (1748 – 1832). Utilitarianism approves or disapproves of an action based on the amount of pleasure or pain the action created. Each action is measurable. For example, if one person is in pain but 5 are having fun, then it is an ok action because 5 is greater than 1. Although his philosophy concept may have some holes, Bentham was ahead of his time. As his Wiki page states, “He advocated individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and (in an unpublished essay) the decriminalizing of homosexual acts. He called for the abolition of slavery, capital punishment and physical punishment, including that of children. He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights.” Apart from philosophy and being a human rights activist, he is also known for requesting to have his body preserved. His skeleton, clothes, and head are still around. Google image the head if you dare.

After Utilitarian Philosophy, Schur discusses Deontology and Kantianism. Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher who advocated for universal maximums to guide decisions. If a decision was made based on the moral law, then the consequences did not matter. Following the rule is acting morally and not following the rule is immoral.
If philosophy intimates you but you want to learn more about it then start with How to Be Perfect. Schur does a great job of breaking down ethics and philosophy and putting the information into relatable terms. He also delivers the basics in a fun way that will have you laughing and learning at the same time.
However, if you know a lot about philosophy or enjoy reading Immanuel Kant’s books for fun, then this might be too entry-level for you. I give you this warning because I do not want you to end up like the flustered man on Amazon who felt the need to leave a lonnnnnnnnggg one-star review. It is 15 paragraphs about how this book missed the mark and how he would know because he has a master’s degree in philosophy. I’m all for 1-star reviews but if I can help someone avoid getting that upset over a book, I’d like to try.
Have you read this one?? What’s your favorite book on philosophy or one I should read next? Let me know in the comments below!
P.S. If you enjoyed this one, you might enjoy learning more about Stoicism. Check out Stillness is the Key or Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday!
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