The best kind of books are ones that stick with you and leave you thinking about them days after you’ve finished reading. Here are four nonfiction books that will do just that!
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely will leave you thinking about your decisions and why you make them. Ariely points out interesting situations where our choices change and how we are, in fact, predictably irrational. This is a captivating introductory read on behavioral economics.
Pairs With: a pan of Fudge Brownies that you baked as a gift but have decided to keep all for yourself instead.
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile

The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile will leave you thinking about your personality traits and about the personality traits of those closest to you. The Enneagram rabbit hole is one worth diving into!
Pairs With: YOUR favorite chocolate. It’s hard for me to pick my favorite chocolate but right now I’d go with Dove Promises Deepest Dark Chocolate.
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday will leave you thinking about when your ego is getting in the way and about the egos of those around you. This is a great read for anyone looking to learn more about the Ego and how to live more peacefully. The concept of the Ego can be confusing but Holiday describes it simply as, “an unhealthy belief of our own importance.”
Pairs With: Junior Mints and self-reflection
Range by David Epstein

Range by David Epstein will leave you thinking about your life experiences and how they all tie together. This is a captivating read about how generality and broad life experiences triumph in a world demanding specificity. Range is an excellent book for everyone and especially parents.
Pairs With: an assorted box of chocolates. After all, Forrest Gump had it right, “Life is like a box of chocolates.”
What’s a book that left you thinking about it that you would add to this list? Or have you read any of these ones?
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