Surprisingly, or not, it’s kinda depressing. Starts off interesting but then turns confusing and dark. Left me thinking but not in a good way.
Pairs With: Dark Caramel Chocolate – anything that releases the most dopamine and serotonin for you.
After reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life and enjoying the concepts throughout, I figured I would love Everything is F*cked… but I didn’t.
By the end of the book, I wasn’t sure why “Everything is Fucked” but I know I felt fucked. Considering the book has 4.6 stars and 4,551 reviews on Amazon, it’s entirely possible I missed the point! All I know is when I finished the book, I felt really hopeless and depressed.
That’s not to say it was all bad!
The Brain
The book starts out by discussing the interesting concept of the ‘thinking brain’ and the ‘feeling brain.’
Mark Manson points out that we need both brains to work together in order to improve our lives. However, oftentimes we prioritize the ‘thinking brain’ over the ‘feeling brain.’ We tend to do things that are logical and thought out vs. doing things we feel like.
Manson notes that if we deny our ‘feeling brain,’ we end up numbing ourselves. On the other hand, if we deny our ‘thinking brain’ we risk becoming impulsive and selfish.
Jump forward towards the end of the book and we’re down a rabbit hole about global self-destruction and Artificial Intelligence (AI) controlling us like gods…
If the world is already too overwhelming for you – I do not recommend reading this book. If you aren’t prone to getting depressed when thinking about the world coming to a crashing end, well, then you might enjoy this one.
Have you read this one? What did you think? What’d I miss??