Discipline is Destiny is another great book by Ryan Holiday. This one is written in his usual fashion which includes short chapters and is filled with historical examples. There are many things to love about Holiday’s works but learning new historical facts and having bite-sized chapters are two of my favorite things.
Pairs With: Ferrero Rocher Chocolates because the packaging matches the book and, thanks to the individual packaging, it’s an easy treat to be disciplined with!
If you find yourself in a motivational rut – this book will encourage and inspire you out of it! Plus this book looks extraordinarily great without its paper jacket cover.
Part I

Holiday breaks this book out into three sections. Part I is The Exterior (The Body) and this is where he explains why it’s important to have discipline over your body and mind.
One interesting question he poses is, “Here is an illuminating test: If it was invented today, would you start it?” He goes on to ask, “Knowing how much time you spend on it now, would you still download the app if it launched today?” He ends his series of questions with, “The fact you didn’t know then doesn’t change the fact that you’re choosing it now.” Mic drop.
Part II
Part II is The Inner Domain (The Temperament) and is where he explains what characteristics make great people successful. In this section, Holiday highlights the importance of focus and keeping your attention on the main thing. Which means there may be many things you may have to say no to.
Holiday states, “We have to understand: Greatness is not just what one does, but also what one refuses to do.”
If there is something that doesn’t fit your focus and you have to decline, Holiday recommends borrowing a line from E.B. White who said, “I must decline for secret reasons.” 🤣 What a great, perfect for introverts, response! No one will even be able to ask follow-up questions to that.
Part III

Lastly, Part III is The Magisterial (The Soul) and is where Holiday expresses the importance of being tolerant and caring of others while also being your best self. Holiday states, “Not everyone has been trained like you have. Not everyone has the knowledge you have. Not everyone has the willpower or the commitment you have. Not everyone has signed up for this kind of life either!”
This was a great reminder for myself because I can be just as hard on others as I am on myself. And expecting a lot of others is not always for the best. Not everyone has the same intensity I have for the same things and vice versa.
Holiday also reminds readers that they are doing the best they can to get better every day. And if we must retreat to remember, “They [retreats] are buying us time until we can take the offensive and courageously attack again in pursuit of our victory.”
Overall Discipline is Destiny is a great motivator and encourager to help get you back on track with whatever you may need encouragement on. For example, after the holidays I was having a hard time finding my groove. This book inspired me to buckle down and get back to it.
If you’ve been a fan of any of Holiday’s other books, you will surely enjoy this one as well!!
P.S. If you liked this one you may also like Ego is the Enemy. Or Stillness is the Key. Or The Obstacle is the Way. And/or The Daily Stoic.