Big Magic makes you feel as though you’re being hugged and while you’re being hugged you’re being reminded that you too are creative and full of wonderful ideas!
Pairs With: Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Big Magic is a must-read for any creative person or anyone who wants to create more but feels held back. In an empathetic and loving fashion, Elizabeth Gilbert explains how to overcome the fear that comes with creating and discusses the exciting magic behind ideas.
It’s a quick and easy read filled with inspiring concepts on every page. No joke! You can open the book to any page and find an anecdote, concept, or fact that will have you thinking differently and will re-inspire you to create.
Big Magic
In the chapter titled Enchantments, Gilbert breaks down her beliefs on how ideas flow to each of us and where Big Magic comes into play.
For example, have you ever had an idea, and then a little while later someone else has the EXACT SAME idea? You think to yourself, “Gah! They stole my idea!” How the hell did that person have the same thought?!
Well, Gilbert believes that ideas are swirling all around us, just looking for a soul to make them come to life. They’re looking to be created and if one doesn’t start creating them, they may just leave that person and find someone else who will. As quickly as ideas come, they can go.
Creativity Elves ?♀️
Also, have you ever felt super creative and inspired one day but really struggled on other days? Well, the ancient Greeks and Romans believed in an external source of creativity. Which is a concept we could all benefit from today.
The Romans called this external source your genius and it was like a little house elf that would live in your walls and sometimes would show up to lend a hand on creating (67). (I picture my genius to be more of a troll who lives under the bridge, somedays he’s chill, and other days he’s not to be bothered.)

Instead of BEING a genius, you HAVE a genius. Gilbert explains that this differentiation helps you feel better when you win or when you lose. When you win, you can thank the genius for lending a hand. And when you lose, you can blame the genius for not showing up. It’s a lot nicer (and a lot less pressure) than thinking you aren’t a genius, isn’t it??
So now that I’ve given you a teaser and told you that you aren’t a genius, my genius?♀️ looks forward to hearing your thoughts on the book!
Have you read it? If so, let us know what you thought!